Community Correspondents

Radhika Chincholkar

Radhika Govind Kolekar lives with her husnand, mother in law, daughter in law and two children. She works in a human rights organisation and has her own women’s organisation focusing on violence against women and gyran land issues. She aspires to work on caste discrimination, untouchability and water issues. Community members view her as a leader in rights after helping to bring justice to a local woman who was raped in her village.

Videos from Radhika

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Land Grab: Farmers Struggle as Officials Play Blame Game

/ October 23, 2017

Forest Department in Maharashtra illegally occupies land belonging to farmers, leaving them with no source of livelihood.

A 5 year old girl who cant hear or speak – She was Raped!!

/ August 5, 2015

Akola, Maharashtra | Radhika Chincolikar A five year old who cannot hear or speak by birth was brutally raped and assaulted and thrown in a bush full of thorns. Jawala Budruk is small village in Akola district of Maharashra where the horrific incident took place. The small girl was severely...

Policy Pipe-dreams: Ration Cards not to be found in rural Maharashtra

/ April 2, 2015

Valaki village, Maharashtra | Radhika Chincholikar India is home to 190 million of the world’s hungry. A staggering number by any count. To combat this the government has put into place a number of schemes, most importantly the Public Distribution System. Bogged down by corruption and neglect at every level,...

No Bribe No Free House

/ June 9, 2014

Want a house that is supposed to be provided for free by the government?  Tough luck.  It’s not free. Give me a bribe.  Else live on the street or in a make shift hut.  An unsafe place that may collapse on you and kill you and your entire family.  Money...

Life under threat: Dalit suffering sees no end

/ April 14, 2014

Forty scheduled caste families residing in Wasai village of Maharashtra had their yearly crops destroyed by 50 ‘so called upper caste’ people. After destroying their crops the upper caste people were also threatening to kill the poor famers and have blocked all the ways to their fields. When the farmers...

No More Violence, I Want Justice

/ February 13, 2014

When she wouldn’t give her husband a dowry, he married another woman and this family tried to kill her. Sangeeta has finally been able to flee to the safety of her maternal home but the battle has just begun… What about her rights? what about the rights of her daughter?...

“I will not leave the land even if I die”

/ January 30, 2014

Fakirs, Adivasis and Banjaras, the three tribal communities have been living on forest land in Aunda village of Hingoli district, Maharashtra. Most people are farmers and earn two meals a day by cultivating seasonal crops. Since last few years, they are being harassed by the Forest department officials on account...