Accountability and Safeguarding
The Video Volunteers Network works to enable marginalized communities to assert their voice in multiple spheres – the mainstream media, their own communities, their local institutions of power – as well as in the organizations itself.
We recognize that we must first center community voices in the decision-making process of our own organization, before we urge powerful institutions to do the same. Anything else would be hypocritical.
The VV Council is a formal decision-making body within the Video Volunteers Network created in order to ensure that we remain accountable to our primary constituents, who are our Community Correspondents. Started in 2019, the VV Council is a body made up primarily of Community Correspondents, with a small number of staff and board members who play a supporting role. It deliberates on organizational priorities, puts forward proposals related to welfare and wellbeing, assesses prospective employees, designs feedback loops and measures the organization’s accountability efforts through a yearly survey.
Through regular online and in-person meetings, the VV Council is moving forward on a collaborative leadership journey to build a movement for the ‘right to voice’ that is led by underprivileged communities.
Email us at for a copy of the Terms of Reference of the VV Council.
We recognize also that we must have, at all times, the greatest respect for the individuals who choose to associate with the Video Volunteers Network. Safety and security of all network members, and especially those at the field level, is our number one priority, handled by a small group of senior staff with expertise in mitigating risks in the practice of journalism.
The purpose of our Safeguarding Policy is to protect people, including children and at risk adults, from any harm that may be caused due to their coming into contact with Video Volunteers, that might arise from the conduct of personnel associated with Video Volunteers or from the design and implementation of Video Volunteers’ activities and programs.
The Safeguarding Policy is underpinned by the Core Values of the VV Network and includes the following policies:
- Code of Ethics and Whistle Blower Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace
- Policy on Prevention of Bullying
- Grievance Redressal Policy
- Information Technology and Acceptable Use Policy.
Our Safeguarding Policy is available upon request by emailing Anyone concerned about any breach of this policy should write to
We aim to be as transparent as possible about the biggest challenge the organization ever faced, and what we learned from it. Read the board statement on the investigation into the 2018 allegations of sexual harassment at the workplace against one of the directors.
For those who wish to understand the steps the VV network takes to ensure a safe workplace and to continually improve, please read our Accountability, Transparency and Safeguarding Report. This report details the steps we take to remain accountable to our members, to mitigate power dynamics, to create a safe workspace and to prevent any form of harassment from happening. It covers the period from July 2020, and will be updated annually.
VV wishes to learn as much as possible about how we can improve our processes, and welcomes a civil discussion. We are happy to share all of our policies with anyone who wants to read them.
You can reach out to any of the following with your questions:
Contact the VV Board at
The ICC of Voicelogue can be reached at
Contact the VV Council at