Community Correspondents

Mercy Kamei

One of the most intrepid Community Correspondents in the IndiaUnheard network, Mercy Kamei is from the minority Rongmei Naga Tribal community in Manipur. Taking risks to report hard-hitting stories of insurgency, violence, injustice and neglect, Mercy speaks out for her community and others like them who have been denied basic rights and are wrongly persecuted as enemies of the state and lesser citizens. Fed up with the mainstream media distorting images and stories, she seeks to report raw, undoctored voices from the ground and piece together the real picture.

Videos from Mercy

Manipur’s Famous All-Women Market in Crisis

/ February 14, 2012

Ima Katheis of Imphal, Manipur faces troubled times.

National Holidays mean ‘Curfew’

/ January 25, 2012

In North East India, National Holidays mean ‘Curfew’.

Prices Shoot Out of Reach for Manipur

/ December 23, 2011

Prices of commodities continue to rise in Manipur even after the economic blockade is lifted, students worst hit.

Manipuri Kids Score for Peace

/ December 12, 2011

Footballs returns many Manipuri childhoods and offers a better future.

Silent Widows of Manipur

/ October 19, 2011

In Manipur, families of victims of fake encounters wait hopelessly for compensation.

Bleak Roads Ahead for Cycle-Rickshaws

/ September 9, 2011

In Imphal, Manipur, drivers of cycle-rickshaws are at risk as auto rickshaws flood the city.

Hundreds Go Missing In Manipur

/ August 3, 2011

Over 300 people disappear every year in Manipur; most are victims of extrajudicial killings.