Jag Bahadur has been working as an electrician for years, employed by the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Department. One year ago, he was electrocuted while repairing electric lines. The accident left him handicapped with his right hand fatally burnt. Jag Bahadur cannot lift or hold any heavy objects and simple tasks such as eating or writing have become daily ordeals. In spite of all this, Jag Bahadur has continued working for the Electricity Department, but his work is greatly hampered by his handicapped hand.
Right after his accident, Jag Bahadur started taking steps to obtain compensation from the Electricity Department, which would allow him to be reimbursed for his medical expenses, and to have his hand operated such that he can move his fingers better. This would help him in daily life and in his work, thus easing the more difficult moments. But till date, his demand has been turned down and treated with contempt by the officials of the Department.
Avdhesh, our Community Correspondent in Himachal Pradesh, has known Jag Bahadur for years as they were living in the same government quarter. He was touched when he first heard of Jag Bahadur’s story and hardship. Making a video was a way to give him support, and to publicize the negligence and the disdain with which his rights have been violated. Avdhesh feels appalled by what Jag Bahadur is experiencing: “Because he is poor and illiterate, he has no means to fight, and he encounters only the contempt of the rich and powerful." Avdhesh hopes his video will make a decisive step in Jag Bahadur’s demand, by gathering support from the viewers, who have the power to pressure the officials to ultimately take action to relieve Jag Bahadur.
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