Tag: Compensation

VV Impact: Mentally-challenged Rape Survivor Receives Compensation

/ April 27, 2016

A rape survivor, an intellectually-challenged tribal woman from the hinterlands of Maharashtra has received justice thanks to the initiative of Video Volunteers’ Maharashtra correspondent Krupakar Chahande. The survivor recieved a compensation of Rs. 2 lakh under the ‘Manodhairya Yojana’, from the state’s Department of Women and Child Development (WCD). Because...

Impact: Video Gets Compensation to Victims of Human-Animal Conflict

/ April 24, 2014

India’s 28,000 wild elephants are cramped up in around 3% of its geographical area. A bare handful of areas have been declared protected areas known as elephant corridors. VV-PACS Community Correspondent Tanju Devi lives in Dumari, a small hamlet flanked by the forests in West Champaran, Bihar. This community has...

Compensation of Rs. 1.5 lakh received after two years & a video

/ October 5, 2016

Tragedy strck Sundar Shyam’s family when his 70-year old mother died in a freak accident as the fire broke out at his home. Since he and his wife were working in the fields of Gendupur, a village in the Gaya district of Bihar. The fire took away Sundar’s mother and...

Bihar Government is yet to pay compensation to Fire-affected households

/ August 30, 2016

A fire broke out at midnight in a hamlet in West Champaran district of Bihar unknown to its resident, burning three houses down to the ground, leaving its poor residents homeless and without any belongings. “We’ve lost everything in the fire; Rs. 10,000 worth cash and jewellery, 50 kgs of wheat, 1.5 quintals...

Live Wire burns 250 houses in Bihar

/ August 24, 2016

A fire broke out in a sleepy hamlet of Dumari, Bihar in the middle of an April afternoon when a live electrical wire snapped, burning 250 makeshift houses down to the ground, leaving its poor residents homeless. “I’ve lost everything in the fire; there is no place to live and nothing to...

No morsel of food for tea-garden workers in Bengal

/ April 11, 2016

As we sip our morning tea in comforts of our home, tea workers in this tea estate of North Bengal are struggling to survive, eating dried leaves as their meal because their only source of income, the tea estates, owned by Duncans Industries Ltd have shut down since last year...

Farmers await compensation for damage by wild animals

/ March 28, 2016

As rapid urbanization cuts into India’s forests, animals and humans have come into increasing conflict. Apart from in the wild, the human-wildlife conflict is most concentrated and impactful within agricultural regions bordering the wildness. The villages of Saraipali and Gourmudi, which border the vast forests of Chhattisgarh have recently been...

Displacement without Compensation

/ June 2, 2014

Daya and Gorari Majhi were abruptly displaced from their home when the Gahira Dam was built, submerging their fertile land and house with it.  Six years later, the Government has still not arranged alternative accommodation for them.  They have tried all avenues they know to get a roof over their...