Tag: Poor
We Couldn't Have Done It Without You: Our Keys Stats & Numbers as on 11th...
100 Community Correspondents. 23 States. 81 districts. Around 800 Published Community Videos. Approximately 50 hours of never before heard grassroots Voices from Across the Country. Heard by over a million people online Seen by more than 300,000 people in live outdoor screenings in slums and villages 17,000 villagers and...
The Great Indian Education Crisis: RTE
80 videos on the lack of education facilities in India and counting. Here’s why VV thinks a campaign to invigorate the Right to Education Act is necessary As he studied at a night school in Mumbai, Amol Lalzare also juggled several odd jobs during the day tosupport his family. His lifelong dream...
HIGHLIGHT TRIP: Work with Video Volunteers in India
MISSION.tv is a digital platform about making a difference in the world. They are a dynamic website about social action and travel for a purpose, home to videos, blogs, photo galleries and more. They are a social network, a collaborative community of activists, travelers and creative contributors, all of us...
Polluted water contaminates local farmland
Contaminated River Threatens Farmers’ Livelihoods
Stoves Run Empty Without Fuel
An important cooking gas outlet in Bageshwar, Uttarakhand lies abandoned.
Corruption in Bageshwar Hospital
In Bageshwar, Uttarakhand, poor patients are forced, against government policies, to pay for treatment and medication.
Live Wires of Ludhiana
People fear electrocution as monsoons submerge open wires.