Tag: accident

Three Killed in Manual Scavenging Accident

/ May 25, 2015

Nashik District, Maharashtra | Maya Khodve In December 2014 three men lost their lives at an accident at their work site. All three were conservancy workers who had been hired by contractors working for the Nashik Municipal Corporation. The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act 2013,...

Survived a Flood, Got Run Over and Still no Compensation in Sight

/ February 26, 2014

VV-PACS Correspondent Navita reports the chilling story of a family of a nine who survived the Bihar floods of 2013 only to be run over by a vehicle. 2 months after the accident they are still seeking financial aid. Bihar is one of the most flood prone states in India....

A Blinding Road to Fill One’s Plate

/ July 27, 2011

In Trichy District, TN, blind people struggle to cover the 5 kilometers that lead to the ration shop.

Injured Electrician Fights For Compensation

/ June 13, 2011

In Solan, Jag Bahadur hasn’t received any compensation after being electrocuted.