Tag: community news service

Kashmir’s Survivors Angry at Slow Response to Floods

/ October 20, 2014

A month and a half after Kashmir saw the worst floods in a century, rescue and rehabilitation have yet to reach a majority of the survivors. It was civil society that stepped up and started the initial rescue efforts; the army and government’s response to the crisis was less than...

Parched district not yet declared drought affected in Chhattisgarh

/ March 21, 2016

In Hatkacharama village, 15 km from Narharpur tehsil of Uttar Bastar Kanker district, Chhattisgarh, farmer Vishnuram Sodhi is worried that his crop may fail, adding to his already mounting debts. His tehsil, Narharpur has received negligible rainfall in the monsoon, putting futures of many farmers in a similar jeopardy. However,...

Government neglects dangerous road conditions

/ March 14, 2016

Frequent accidents occur due to the poor road quality of National Highway 34(NH34) connecting Kolkata to North Bengal. The stretch between Krishnagar and Murshidabad is particularly bad which keeps commuters and those living alongside the road in a perpetual state of fear. Community has often expressed their concerns to the...

MGNREGA Job Cards not been issued

/ March 11, 2016

The absence of MGNREGA Job Card forces laborers to work on lower wages for longer hours in Kaushambhi, Uttar Pradesh. Job Cards can be issued to BPL families in rural areas so that they can get 100 days of work in or around their village itself. 15 people have approached...

Pannun FM International: Tral Youth achieves Rare Feat

/ March 9, 2016

A youth, Umar Nisar, of South Kashmir’s Tral town, has developed an Internet Radio all by himself after working tirelessly for eight months.  When a man aspires to do something there absolutely is no stopping to it. One such example is of a teenage youth of Tral town in South...

Impact| Getting Water for Dalit Hamlet in Maharashtra

/ March 7, 2016

Under the Self Governance Scheme, the government made arrangements for clean drinking water at Warola village. But that scheme did not reach the dalit hamlet which is home to 250 families. Only the dalit community was deprived of their right to clean drinking water. ‘We have no water through out...

Land allotted but on papers only

/ February 26, 2016

Those displaced from Sardar Sarovar Dam project are still waiting to be rehabilitated. In another case of utter neglect from the government, people have been allotted land on paper but the allotted property either belongs to someone else or is unusable.      Chetan Salve reports from Narmadanagar of Nandurbar...

Farmer commits suicide for Rs 5000 in Odisha

/ February 23, 2016

Another debt-ridden farmer commits suicide by eating poison. Bholanath Pradhan had taken a loan amount of Rs 5000 and 10 bags of fertilizer for his 3-acre land. The loan amount on paper was put down by the loan officer as Rs 51000 and 10 bags of fertilizer instead, which Bholanath...