Tag: Upper caste

Harsh Realities of Dalits in India

/ October 25, 2011

64 years of freedom and dalits remain captive.

No Care For The Vulnerable In Anganwadis

/ May 23, 2011

Anganwadi centers in Maharashtra malfunction due to corruption and casteism.

Dalits Raise Voice Against Land Usurpers

/ April 26, 2011

In Kanchiwaram, Tamil Nadu, Dalits are fighting to get land that had been donated to them.

India’s Untouched Temple!

/ November 3, 2010

Ramayana characters are worshipped in India while temples dedicated to the author of the epic is treated ‘untouchable’.

A Mirror To Valmiki Community

/ October 14, 2010

In this video the correspondent profiles his own community – the Valmikis, perhaps the most oppressed community in India.

Riot: Who Benefits?

/ October 11, 2010

Dominant groups often use violent forms of protest to press their point. This video from Haryana, India shows how an entire community suffers during such riot.

Haryana TempleClosed to Dalits

/ September 2, 2010

In Haryana, people of Dalit communities, including the correspondent of this video are forbidden to enter temples.

Teacher CanesDalit Student

/ July 29, 2010

Atrocities on Dalit communities is one of the ugly realities of India that refuses to decrease.