Around 125 people of Rampuri village of Brahmapuri block(Chandrapur disctrict) in Maharashtra are still not get paid after completing the work through the MGNREGA scheme.
Community Correspondent Krupakar Chahande from Maharashtra reports for Video Volunteers.
Video Transcript:
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act has been implemented throughout Maharashtra. The mission of this initiative is "Every hand deserves work and every job needs a hand". Nearly 130 Villagers from Rampuri village of Brahmapuri taluka haven't been paid their wages under MGNERGA, since last February.
- What work have you not been paid for?
- I was to be paid for my work of spraying water but haven't.
- How long has it been?
- Nearly 11 months. They have blocked our payments after February. Our work continued post February for nearly 3 months and these 3 months wage haven't been paid.
The members of our village panchayat have become very greedy. They receive all our money but steal it. Around INR 2000 was supposed to be paid to us but some have got only INR 500 as their pay.
- Did you go to the bank? - Yes.
- What did the bank say?
- They (bank) tell me the amount transfer hasn't happened and to come back after a few days. The transactions are very clear in banks. When the money gets deposited through National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) into banks they are supposed to transfer the amount to its beneficiaries.
I went to the panchayat members and got an explanation about this issue from them. The villagers have been visiting the panchayat daily but it has been almost 9 months and nothing positive has happened.
According to the government rules, workers must be paid their wages within 15 days of completion of work. Please call and sms the BDO, Brahmpuri on +91-7177-271-061/271-216 and demand that all dues be paid to residents of Rampuri as soon as possible.
I am Krupakar Chahande from Maharashtra, reporting for IndiaUnheard.
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