Domdadar, Dindori, Madhya Pradesh | Surajeeya Paraste
The primary school in Domdadar village of Madhya Pradesh hasn't been repaired since 25 years. As many as 59 children from classes 1st to 5th study in one classroom. These children are not able to study well. Surajeeya interviews Ramcharan Mathur, a resident of Domdadar village who also oversees working of the school.
Surajeeya - What problem is this school facing?
Ramcharan - The major problem is with the building. It can fall down anytime. It is difficult to conduct classes. I have combined all classes into one, where the room is in slightly better shape. Here classes 1 to 5 are conducted. Since it is a single room, there are several difficulties.
Surajeeya - What change do you expect to see?
Ramcharan - It will be wonderful if this building gets renovated. I desire to see the concerned department taking cognizance of this issue and get the building repaired as soon as possible. This will help the children to study better.
Call to action: Please call Mr. Abinash Anibekar at the Block Resource Center on 9424358634 and ask him to help the children of Domdadar village get quality education.
Surajeeya Paraste reports from Madhya Pradesh for IndiaUnheard.
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