Father, “If we don’t tie her, she runs away.”This is the sad reality of Parvati Oriya, the disabled girl who is tied up to a post at home day in day out. The Government of India has failed yet again to provide her with disability benefits or support.
Call to Action: You can helpParvati get access to her disability benefits by putting pressure on the relevant officials to act. Only with your support will she get what she rightfully deserves.
Block Development Officer, Bandgaon, Santosh Kumar Choudhary, Tel: +918051006106
VV-Correspondent BasantiHunniPurti reports from West Singhbhum, Jharkhand where Parvati Oriya has been tied up like an animal for the past 5 years. Her parents are unable to have her treated, as they are too impoverished to do so.
Her mother explains, “Everyday she gets attacks and seizures.”
Having spoken to our Correspondent we learnt that the reason for Parvati not receiving her disability pension is because the state office in charge wants her to go there herself to receive it. However, being unable to walk properly this is virtually impossible for her.
The only support her family has received so far from the governmentis a bicycle. You can change this for the better.
Today you can contribute to the efforts of the Oriya family and giveParvati what is rightfully hers. The positive impact of community journalism coupled with your support can be seen through our Correspondent Abhishek Kumar Das’video. This goes to show how screening a video to the relevant officials can bring about positive change by provoking them to act rapidly.
Community journalism is effective and we need your support to keep it going. Call the number above to put pressure on the Social Welfare Officer to act and provide Parvati the disability pension she is entitled to!
Watch more stories about people not receiving their disability pensions on the link below. Our Correspondents work hard to empower communities to have a voice and to access the rights they are entitled to. Encourage them by supporting their videos.
Written by Manjinder Singh Sidhu
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