Tag: Village

HIGHLIGHT TRIP: Work with Video Volunteers in India

/ April 12, 2013

MISSION.tv is a digital platform about making a difference in the world. They are a dynamic website about social action and travel for a purpose, home to videos, blogs, photo galleries and more. They are a social network, a collaborative community of activists, travelers and creative contributors, all of us...

Shramdaan: Working Towards Change

/ November 3, 2011

Villagers come together to solve their water problem.

The Case of the Missing Tehsildar

/ November 2, 2011

Ambagad Chowki, Chhattisgarh, is in need of a regular Revenue Officer.

Bad Road Affects Villagers

/ October 17, 2011

In Rakhpora, Jammu and Kashmir, an important road lies in a very bad and unsafe condition.

Long Walk To School

/ October 11, 2011

In rural Tamil Nadu, children walk six kilometers to get to school.

Unfixed Light Endanger Lives

/ September 26, 2011

In Valmiki Nagar, Haryana, a solar light installed at a dangerous intersection lies broken.