Tag: Marginalized

LGBT Community in India Demands Rights & Dignity

/ March 7, 2012

The LGBT community reflects on their place in today’s India.

Voices of Dissent in Manipur Challenge the Govt.

/ March 1, 2012

Manipuris Speak Out Against Forced Evictions.

Plans for International Airport Evicts Local Families

/ February 28, 2012

Expansion of Imphal Airport displaces 116 Manipuri settlements.

Forced Eviction Destroys 17 Manipuri Families

/ February 29, 2012

Community unlawfully evicted by Manipuri govt. faces destitution.

100,000 People to March for Land Rights

/ January 23, 2012

People of India march from Gwalior to Delhi for land reforms

Poor Punished For Confronting Corruption

/ August 30, 2011

Officials in rural Chattisgarh punish poor villagers by denying them their housing benefits.

IndiaUnheard Impact: Corruption Ends In School

/ April 8, 2011

VV reporter exposes corruption, brings change in rural school in Jharkhand

IndiaUnheard Impact: Corruption Ends In School

/ January 7, 2011

Corruption ends in one rural school in India’s Jharkhand state thanks to IndiaUnheard