Tag: displacement

A Criminal State Of Affairs

/ April 12, 2013

by Stalin K. There are enough laws to tackle it. Then why is untouchability still perpetuated? (Article first appeared on the Tehelka website here)

Voices of Dissent in Manipur Challenge the Govt.

/ March 1, 2012

Manipuris Speak Out Against Forced Evictions.

Plans for International Airport Evicts Local Families

/ February 28, 2012

Expansion of Imphal Airport displaces 116 Manipuri settlements.

Forced Eviction Destroys 17 Manipuri Families

/ February 29, 2012

Community unlawfully evicted by Manipuri govt. faces destitution.

MHADA Makes Bhil Tribals Homeless

/ January 27, 2012

Development authority displaces Tribals in Malegaon, Maharashtra.

Tribals Made Homeless By Govt.

/ January 11, 2012

Adivasis, settled in the Langsung forest area of Assam for 50 years, are ruthlessly evicted by the forest department.

People Vs. Govt in Land Conflicts

/ December 30, 2011

Projects in the name of development are causing displacement, loss of livelihood and frustration across India.