Tag: Community Media

IMPACT: Making Mumbai Sewage Free

/ June 10, 2015

Slum: “a squalid and overcrowded urban area inhabited by very poor people.”                                                                            ...

IMPACT | Curbing the man Elephant Conflict

/ June 4, 2015

4 June 2015 | Torpa, Jharkhand | Amit Topno  In this interview, Community Correspondent Amit Topno speaks of how his video on rampaging elephants in his village resulted in villagers mobilizing funds to purchase 15 torches that would help them locate and disperse these elephants. His advocacy efforts also led...

Communications Manager, Goa

/ March 7, 2017

Communications Manager, Goa The Communications Manager is responsible for ensuring that our key videos, impacts, latest news and events are being spread far and wide, and that VV is getting maximum exposure and its brand and messaging being communicated. External and Online Communications Create the social media plan Tweet, blog...

The Hard Fight for Building Schools in India

/ May 12, 2015

95% of India’s schools fail to meet the standard of infrastructure set by the Right to Education Act. This is the story of two community correspondents attempting to fix the system. In 2010 a boat carrying seventeen children capsized, resulting in the death of two girls. For those children, the...

Impact: Combatting Corruption

/ May 6, 2015

In 2005 the government of India set up ambitious plans to bring electricity to about 1,25,000 villages through the Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Scheme. In the ten years since, the crores of rupees spent to bring basic infrastructure to rural areas has had an impact. However 44.7% rural household in...

Impact: Power to the people

/ April 27, 2015

Power to the People In 2005 the Government of India launched a nation-wide scheme to ensure rural electricity infrastructure and electrification of all households with special provisions and  subsidies for underprivileged households. In this interview, Arti Bai details how a little camera coupled with a lot of determination has successfully...

Kanhar Damned

/ April 17, 2015

 Local police opened-fire at a gathering of 1500 people protesting the construction of the Kanhar Dam at 7 am on 14th April. Residents of the area, a majority of whom aretribals and Dalits, have been at loggerheads with the administration since 1973 when the Dam was originally conceived as an...

Impact: Making the Bourgeoisie and Bureaucracy Talk

/ March 20, 2015

19th March 2015 | Padmakesarpur village, Odisha | Nitu Chakhia As a tribal woman, Nitu Chakhia has spent far too many years of her life struggling for survival in the urban jungle of Bhubaneswar. Several years of working with her people has convinced her that communities coming together ensures change....