Tag: blackboard

IndiaUnheard Impact: Corruption Ends In School

/ April 8, 2011

VV reporter exposes corruption, brings change in rural school in Jharkhand

IndiaUnheard Impact: Corruption Ends In School

/ January 7, 2011

Corruption ends in one rural school in India’s Jharkhand state thanks to IndiaUnheard

Education – A Risky Business

/ October 25, 2010

Rural students in India’s Chattisgarh risk their lives everyday by crossing rain-swollen river in narrow boats to attend school.

Ironsmiths’ Children Yearn For Education

/ October 19, 2010

Children from the Ironsmith community in Rajasthan long to go to school instead of hammering metal.

School Is Here, Where Is Education?

/ October 7, 2010

The growing number of school going children hasn’t improved the standard of education. Here is an image of that from rural Orissa, India

Can Uniform AloneEnsure Education?

/ September 27, 2010

Rajasthan introduces common uniform code for students of private and government schools. ‘Focus on standard of education’, say parents.

Lone Teacher Manages School

/ August 27, 2010

Flouting govt education norms, a primary school in rural Chattisgarh runs with a lone teacher.