Tag: Alienation

MHADA Makes Bhil Tribals Homeless

/ January 27, 2012

Development authority displaces Tribals in Malegaon, Maharashtra.

Hundreds Go Missing In Manipur

/ August 3, 2011

Over 300 people disappear every year in Manipur; most are victims of extrajudicial killings.

“It Would Have Lit Up Our Lives”

/ August 1, 2011

In Kashmir, micro hydel power projects constructed under an army funded scheme are mostly non functional.

India’s Untouched Temple!

/ November 3, 2010

Ramayana characters are worshipped in India while temples dedicated to the author of the epic is treated ‘untouchable’.

A Mirror To Valmiki Community

/ October 14, 2010

In this video the correspondent profiles his own community – the Valmikis, perhaps the most oppressed community in India.