Mindless deforestation in name of development

Thousands of trees all over Jharkhand, many of them century-old, have been cut for road widening and infrastructure development projects of the State's administration. Many more trees face the same fate. The citizens, including some organisations, have objected on the mindless destruction of trees, to pave way for roads in the area. "The trees would provide shade to the riders and pedestrians during peak summer," says Pinki Kumari, a resident of Khunti. 

The citizens, including some organisations, have objected on the mindless destruction of trees, to pave way for roads in the area. "The trees would provide shade to the riders and pedestrians during peak summer," says Pinki Kumari, a resident of Khunti. While the government officials said that the permission was granted for road expansion, an activist suggests that the officials sell these fallen trees to timber businessmen for a profit. 

The residents of Khunti are have requested plantation of indigenous trees and conservation of the district's green cover. Join Khunti's efforts to go green again. Call AK Tripathi, the District Forest Officer and demand that there is an increase reforestation on the area. 

This video was made by Amita Tutti, Community Correspondent for Video Volunteers.

Community Correspondents come from marginalised communities in India and produce videos on unreported stories.
These stories are ’news by those who live it.’ They give the hyperlocal context to global human rights and development challenges.  

See more such videos at www.videovolunteers.org. Take action for a more just global media by sharing their videos and joining in their call for change.

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