
Defenceless Woman Branded ‘Witch’

/ August 25, 2010

Despite a law in place, poor women from marginalized communities in Jharkhand continue to be branded as ‘witches’ and tortured.

Teacher CanesDalit Student

/ July 29, 2010

Atrocities on Dalit communities is one of the ugly realities of India that refuses to decrease.

Kolkata’s 23 District

/ July 1, 2010

Zaffar Khan reports from Kolkata’s 23 Khidirpur district on prejudices against the neighborhood’s Muslim community.

Transgender ManBreaks Silence

/ June 21, 2010

Transsexuals and intersex individuals face significant challenges in India

Devdasi or Temple Slave

/ May 25, 2010

Devdasi is the institutionalized practice of exploiting women by religious organizations and temples.

Tradition Limits Development

/ May 13, 2010

In India’s northeastern state of Meghalaya tradition in West Garo Hills dictates the Gaonbura

Homosexuals Seek an Identity

/ May 7, 2010

In Chattisgarh, and much of India, homosexuals struggle to finda place in society.

Girl and father burned alive by the upper caste

/ May 5, 2010

 20 dalit houses were burnt by people belonging to the upper caste in Mirjpur village of Harayana. A disabled girl and her father also lost their lives in this attack. The reason for the attack was that the upper caste Jat community did not want the Dalits(lower caste) to get...