Tag: wage

The Great Indian Education Crisis: RTE

/ June 14, 2013

80 videos on the lack of education facilities in India and counting. Here’s why VV thinks a campaign to invigorate the Right to Education Act is necessary As he studied at a night school in Mumbai, Amol Lalzare also juggled several odd jobs during the day tosupport his family. His lifelong dream...

Corruption Undermines MNREGA

/ July 13, 2011

After two months of work under the MGNREGA, villagers in Bahar Tola have not received any wage.

Exploiting The Poor In The Name Of Festivity

/ April 11, 2011

During Kumbh Mela festival, cleaners are hired with total disrespect for labour laws.

Frustrated Assistant Teachers Paid Late

/ January 24, 2011

Assistant teachers in Chhattisgarh lose motivation due to untimely payment.