A shocking proof of corrupt NREGA officials in Jharkhand

/ August 19, 2016

National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) has boosted about high women participation in the labour workforce. On the completion of a decade of NREGA, BJP national Secretary Siddharth Nath Singh had said revealed that 2014-15 saw the highest utilisation of funds under NREGA with Rs 48,000 crore utilised, the highest...

Video Volunteers Impact: An entire village gets work under NREGA

/ July 1, 2016

Asha Devi, a farm labourer from Bihar was working hard to make ends meet with her seasonal, meagre earnings. She had no idea, that she could have a supplementary income during the non-harvest seasons through the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), an Indian labour law and social security measure...

NREGA- The failing lifeline of Rural Employment

/ May 2, 2016

“Give us work and we will work”. “They give the work to contractors and we all just sit here.” “I have worked for 27-28 days but haven’t yet received my wages.” “If we have received NREGA wages on time, we could have gotten the treatment.” NREGA has been the world’s...

VV Impact: Women fight against discrimination, win work in NREGA after two years

/ May 1, 2016

Women of Keshavpur village, Uttar Pradesh had been denied work under NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) for two years because of the patriarchal views of the authorities of the region. Under NREGA, every member of rural India, who demands work has the right to get work. However, the employment...

W3: We Want Work

/ April 8, 2014

Senka Bahal, a resident of Jhirpani village in Odisha has not received his dues from the last job he did under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). His job card came in 6 years ago but it was only last year that he got his first job...

Corruption Undermines MNREGA

/ July 13, 2011

After two months of work under the MGNREGA, villagers in Bahar Tola have not received any wage.

Gender Bias In Wages

/ April 27, 2011

Women farm workers in rural India labour hard, but are paid only half of what men are. This video captures the bias in Maharashtra state