Tag: Muslim

Hindu Rightwing Terrorizes Haryana

/ December 9, 2011

Places of worship and burial grounds taken away from Muslims.

Girl Fights poverty, Gives Inspiration

/ January 27, 2011

A young girl in Patna, Mustari, overcomes loss and poverty, prioritises education.

Defenceless Woman Branded ‘Witch’

/ December 21, 2010

Despite a law in place, poor women from marginalised communities in Jharkhand continue to be branded as ‘witches’ and tortured.

Motherhood: Who is Deciding?

/ October 28, 2010

Aleya Akhtara reports on a critical lack of access to maternal healthcare and family planning options amongst women in Meghalaya.

Defenceless Woman Branded ‘Witch’

/ August 25, 2010

Despite a law in place, poor women from marginalized communities in Jharkhand continue to be branded as ‘witches’ and tortured.