Tag: gender discrimination india

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Gender India: How do Girls and Boys Dance? I India Loud & Clear I EP...

/ January 10, 2020

This week in India Loud & Clear we take you into the discriminated lives of India’s mothers, sisters, daughters and wives.

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Khel Badal: Real Stories, Real Conversations to Dismantle Patriarchy

/ August 2, 2019

 Khel Badal discussion club is creating a safe space where women can talk about gender, violence and patriarchy. 

What’s in a Name – Identity, Respect and Patriarchy

/ June 12, 2017

The patriarchal politics of names and women's identity. Join the discussion on Twitter @videovolunteers on June 13, 1-2 PM.

Playtime for Boys and Housework for Girls: Training in Gender Roles Begins Early

/ November 28, 2016

When an 8-year old boy and his 11-year old older sister are interviewed about their daily activities the gender disparities in division of household chores come to the fore. The story powerfully demonstrates how difficult it is for girls to aspire to the same educational attainments as boys, to this...

Playtime for Boys and Housework for Girls: Training in Gender Roles Begins Early

/ November 28, 2016

When an 8-year old boy and his 11-year old older sister are interviewed about their daily activities the gender disparities in division of household chores come to the fore. The story powerfully demonstrates how difficult it is for girls to aspire to the same educational attainments as boys, to this...

Towards Equality for Girls

/ May 5, 2014

There is a great outrage in the country to curb acts of violence against women. But violence is not the only problem girls and women face in the country; at every stage in their lives, hurdles appear in the form of discrimination both subtle and obvious. For many it starts...