Barely 2 kms from raipur road in Pharasgaon district of Chattisgarh is Zhullnadi village. Although it comes under the Pharasgaon municipality, it still is nothing more than a forgotten village. Pharasgaon became a municipality in 2006 which also meant it became biggger and the central point of administration. Still, the Zhullnadi community has no drainage system. Water and sanitation are essential for a healthy life. Access to water is only one half of the equation, proper treatment, consumption & disposal are equally crucial. The absence of a drainage system allows for water to be accumulated at various places thus resulting in water borne diseases like malaria. Definitely not a place anyone would voluntary be at. The community feels trapped and helpless. They have submitted various applications to the municipality but none have been accepted. It's a deafening silence, one which often results in a loud cry. Community correspondent Ramjag Gaud got to know about this issue from his friend. He could feel the seething voices when he witnessed the situation in person and hence made this video. The community has been cast away for 7 years. No voices were heard. Now they intend to be so loud that their voices echo in the otherwise deafening silence. You can help the Zhullnadi community by calling Mr Naidu, Chief Engineer, Bastar district, Chattisgarh, on +91- 9962824414 and demand for construction of a drainage system.
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