Last year a report by the Reuters Foundation found India to be the 4th worst country for women worldwide. What does that say about a country which is the largest democracy in the world?
If you look beyond the myriad number of news reports about rape and domestic violence and honour killings and beyond the ways in which women compromise at every step to negotiate their way through a largely chauvinistic society, you'll find that the dark reality is lit by a thousand lamps. Sometimes their flames waver in turbulent winds but they burn on, providing guidance and hope for all who care to see.
Everyday at Video Volunteers we work with and hear stories of hundreds of women who break away from the boundaries imposed on them. Every morning, they wake up and take charge of their own lives-- emotionally and financially. They protect their own forests, they help others like them to earn a living, they speak out against violence perpetuated against them.
We Celebrate these women. We Salute them. We Rise with them.
One Billion Rising:
One Billion Rising is an international campaign, which calls on women and men all over the world to rise and demand an end to violence against women. We at Video Volunteers are joining the campaign. Over the next few days we bring you stories from across India. Stories of women who have stood up and demanded their rights, of women who have
helped others get what is rightfully theirs, of women who refuse to be silent in the face of an attack.
Come join us in signing the pledge:
Please also share Chanchal Paswan’s appeal and sign the petition on demanding strong legal action against the perpetrators of the acid attack on her here:
The article argues that systematically ignoring and silencing the voices of the poor and marginalized worldwide does not serve society or democracy well and must be countered. While new technologies such as AI could provide an opportunity for change, we contend that these technologies need to account more effectively for...
When the staff at Gannett newspapers in the US coined the term MOJO (Mobile Journalism) to describe new ways of gathering and distributing news using emerging technologies in 2005, they would not have imagined its virality and use ten years later. Ask new media journalists and our Community Correspondents Shah...