Community correspondent Basharat Amin made a video on illegal riverbed mining in Ranbiara, Kashmir. With the support of local community, Basharat made government officials aware of the rapidly deteriorating on ground situation. After a few letters, WhatsApp messages and followups, illegal mining on the riverbed has stopped to an extent.
Majid Aziz, District Officer Geology and Mining played an important role in controlling illegal activities. The community has offered thanks to Majid Aziz for his efforts.
Fighting for Change: The Story of Bihar-Based Journalist Amir Abbas
Inspiration can come from many sources, but one of the most powerful is seeing someone walk the path before you. Our Community Correspondent, Syed Amir Abbas found his inspiration in Stalin K., the founding director of Video Volunteers. “I met Stalin at VV’s national meet in 2017 and I...
“Video Volunteers gave me a platform to go the extra mile for people”
Avijit Adhikary is a journalist with nearly 8000 days of field experience till date. In the past two decades, he has witnessed the ebb and flow of the media industry in India, with ripples felt in his region too. This includes the rise of digital media, the decline of print...