Under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), each Sub-Centre is required to be manned by at least one Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) / Female Health Worker and one Male Health Worker. In the village of Jamdih in Jharkhand, there was no ANM that would come regularly. In this video you see how a group of women got together and raised their concern for getting a regular ANM on duty. The village did get one ANM to come regularly. But does the fight stop there?
Jeeramuni Devi, among other participants received video training by Community Correspondent Shanti Baraik. Shanti was part of a larger group that received Participatory Video training targeted at the community.
Shanti Baraik reports from Jharkhand for Video Volunteers' nationwide news network, IndiaUnheard.
A Call for Research on AI’s Role in Amplifying the Insights of the Systemically Unheard
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