Help Get 25,000 People a Doctor Today!

Absentee doctor, medical negligence and lack of concern for the health and welfare of residents of Potanai village council.  Let’s turn that around for the better today.


Call to Action:  Pressurise the Chief District Medical Officer to appoint a regular doctor at the Potanai Health Center. 


Dr. Bijay Kumar Sahoo, Chief District Medical Officer (CDMO), Jagatsinghpur district, Odisha, Tel: +91 9437023651.


VV-Correspondent Anupama reports from Potanai Health Center, Potanai village council, Kujang block, Jagatsinghpur district, Odisha where the doctor is absent most of the time and the pharmacist Manik Babu runs the center.


The doctor comes twice or three times a week.  That too not every week.” 


The doctor has been resident here for the last 25 years, but for most of the time he has not been here.  25,000 people from 5 village councils are dependent on this medical center are not receiving adequate medical attention.  As the doctor is absent here people are forced to visit the Manijanga Community Health Centre (CHC) which is 25-40km away. 


All is not lost.  Through a similar video, Community Correspondent Saroj Paraste uncovered abysmal conditions of maternal and child health care in Sakhri Village, Madhya Pradesh.  She managed to bring healthcare to 137 families of Sakhri through his video.  This goes to show just how powerful a community’s voice teamed with a camera is. 


This is why we need your support.  Please call the number above to ensure that medical staff fulfill their duty to their patients.  Your contribution counts.0


Watch more videos like this by clicking on this link.


Written by Manjinder Singh Sidhu.


For more information on absentee doctors in India please check.

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