Government Officials take a fair-step towards solving problems in Maharashtra

We have heard plenty about the apathy shown by government officials towards the problems of marginalised communities. On the other side, lack of awareness and knowledge about the various schemes that are there at their disposal becomes a hindrance for the communities, while demanding their rights. However, the government officials of the Chandrapur district in Maharashtra's are setting a precedent for proactively solving problems of the citizens.

The government officials, headed by Dr Deepak Mhaisekar, the District Collector of Chandrapur have been conducting ‘Maharajsva Abhiyan’ in the region for the past four years with the motto of ‘Government at your doorstep’. The camp is aimed at creating awareness and lending onsite help, especially to the farmers and farm help of the district.

A resident of Chandrapur and Video Volunteers community correspondent Krupakar Chahande captures this unique initiative in the region that helps bridge the gap between the Chandrapur district's administration and its residents . A common complaint, that the may citizens is that the lack of knowledge towards various government processes and schemes. At the fair, the government officials were seen helping over one thousand visitors with registration and helping with documentation for various government schemes .

Such steps from local Government should be appreciated as they help solve the everyday problems of rural citizens . Call up Dr Deepak Mhaisekar, District collector, Chandrapur, Maharashtra and encourage for such further camps for a larger audience in the future on +91 7172255300.

Community correspondent Krupakar Chahande reports from Maharashtra for Video Volunteers.

This video was made by a Video Volunteers Community Correspondent. Community Correspondents come from marginalised communities in India and produce videos on unreported stories. These stories are ’news by those who live it.’ they give the hyperlocal context to global human rights and development challenges.

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