In a strange case of government mismanagement, a dead man from the Turanga village in Chhattisgarh's Raigarh district was issued with a COVID-19 vaccination certificate. "My father in law died on May 1, 2021 due to COVID-19. Now, on 30 Oct 2021 we received a message that he has been vaccinated with the second dose of vaccine," said Padmini Naik, daughter in law of the deceased when speaking with our Community Correspondent Rajesh Gupta.
One of the reasons for this could be the race to show rapid vaccination rates as the government scrambles to vaccinate every eligible Indian. An independent agency was hired to survey Raigarh and it reported that Raigarh had the highest number of vaccinated people in the country.
Padmini's late father-in-law could be just one of the persons whose name was used to fill up government records and show high rates of vaccination. Such practices often lead people to second guess government figures and not believe everything popularised in mainstream media.
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