Forced Evictions


Forced evictions are on the rise in several parts of India. Most development projects, at face value, seem aimed at improving the lives of people: a new dam will generate more electricity to power industry; a new shopping mall will create new businesses and therefore more jobs.

However, the reality for communities living near a project is often quite different. These projects often about result in destruction of communities, the loss of jobs, and the impoverishment of people. Each year an estimated 15 million people across the globe are forcibly uprooted from their homes, farmlands, fishing areas and forests to make way for dam reservoirs, irrigation projects, mines, plantations, highways, and tourist resorts. Urban slums are bulldozed to make way for luxury condominiums, sporting facilities and shopping centres. Human rights abuses do not end after a forced eviction. A community may not be formally resettled and often find themselves living without adequate housing and without access to water, work, schools and hospitals. A forced eviction exacerbates poverty, social unrest, environmental degradation and loss of cultural identity.  

Often, society accepts this collateral damage as the price the nation must pay for development. Yet it doesn’t have to be this way: it is possible to both safeguard people’s rights while also experiencing economic growth.

Media-bias ignores the real story of the Jharkhand community protest at NTPC

/ November 22, 2016

On October 1, 2016, newspapers across India flashed the news that four civilians were killed protesting against National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), along with dozens of others who were injured as police opened fire in Jharkhand near Hazaribaug. Most of these reports briefly mentioned that the people fired upon, were...

Narmada Oustees Cry Foul over Administration’s Non-Compliance to Laws

/ October 26, 2016

Over 900 people living on the banks of Narmada in Madhya Pradesh are seeking justice for being driven from their ancestral lands for the Sardar Sarovar Dam (SSD) project. The residents of Belkheda village in Badwani district, Madhya Pradesh had their land submerged in 2000 with promises of rehabilitation, land...

Displacement in the name of Development on the Banks of Narmada

/ October 20, 2016

  The 110 families of Kumhars (brickmakers) living on the banks of Narmada in Madhya Pradesh are worried as life as they knew it for generations, will end soon. “My home and our brick kiln land will be submerged by the Sardar Sarovar dam,” says Om Prakash Prajapati, a Kumhar...

Awaiting Justice: Chhattisgarh’s tribal residents’ FRA rights under attack

/ September 26, 2016

The ancient tribe of Baiga has been residing in Chhattisgarh’s jungles since times unknown treating the Earth as their mother, and nature as their Gods. The earliest written records of the tribes’ existence in Central India, was recorded in 1867, by a Captain Thompson. Ever since Chhattisgarh was carved out...

25 Years & Three generations Late: Rehabilitation Eludes Them

/ September 13, 2016

Anandrao Bendukle, 81, had been embroiled in a battle for rehabilitation for the past 20 years against the state. His agricultural land was submerged while making the Kashyapi Dam along river Godavari. In 1997, when the lands of Kashyapnagar, Dhondegaon, Devargaon and other regions in Nashik district where acquired, the Maharashtra...

25 Years & Three generations Late: Rehabilitation Eludes Them

/ September 13, 2016

Anandrao Bendukle, 81, had been embroiled in a battle for rehabilitation for the past 20 years against the state. His agricultural land was submerged while making the Kashyapi Dam along river Godavari. In 1997, when the lands of Kashyapnagar, Dhondegaon, Devargaon and other regions in Nashik district where acquired, the Maharashtra...

Cashless and Landless: Tribal oustees of Narmada worry about their future

/ June 20, 2016

The Sardar Sarovar Dam has displaced over 41,000 families from the banks of Narmada across Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, since 1985. The Sardar Sarovar Punarvasvat Agency (SSPA) was constituted in 1992, for implementing the Resettlement and Rehabilitation for affected families, but little action has been taken to offer the...

Over 2 decades later, the Narmada-dam displaced still wait for their land

/ May 24, 2016

Twenty-two years ago, in 1994, Jugla Vasave was ousted from his home and farm in Chimalkhadi village in Nandurbar district of Maharashtra, when the Sardar Sarovar Dam was built along the Narmada river. He, along with many others, was promised to be rehabilitated with an arable land by the state...