
environmentIndia is rich in biodiversity and natural resources. It is home to over 45,000 plant species and over 90,000 animal species. Yet these resources are at risk. The forces of urbanization and industrialization that feed economic growth are often at odds with the environment. Pollution, industry and poor agricultural management strip its fertile environment of key minerals and nutrients. Depleted water resources and forced migration cause conflicts of increasing tension. Further, India’s dependence on monsoon rains makes it particularly susceptible to the dangerous effects of climate change. In this section, IndiaUnheard Community Correspondents report on the environment.

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Riverine Erosion Swallows Livelihoods in West Bengal

/ November 30, 2017

For the past 16 years, riverine erosion by the Ghargharia river has been eating away at the land in Coochbehar’s Uttar Kaljani village, while the authorities do nothing.

No Cards

Solar Energy, a Cash Crop for Gujarat Farmers

/ June 5, 2017

Until 2012-13, Dhundi, a village in Gujarat's Kheda district, was unelectrified. Today they sell solar energy to the state grid.

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A Thirsty Hamlet at the Banks of the Narmada

/ April 26, 2017

The Sardar Sarovar Project displaced over 70,000 people for the 'greater good' of providing water and electricity to huge swathes of the population. But these grand promises are belied by the condition of the children suffering from waterborne diseases on the banks of the dammed river.

50 million affected by Arsenic Poisoning in West Bengal

/ March 8, 2017

As rural West Bengal’s residents die of poisoning, the local administration claims they have no knowledge of the problem in the area Everyday Jahema Bewa has to trudge miles through muddy fields to get drinking water. While there are deep tubewells in her village, Jahema and others in her village...

Take Action

A Toxic Harvest: Development gone wrong

/ March 8, 2017

How industrial development without environmental checks and balances destroyed a farming village in Chhattisgarh

Village in Bihar stranded by floods, Administration apathetic

/ March 7, 2017

Chitauria village in Katihar district of Bihar is flooded with water and surrounded by it from all four sides. Community Correspondent Reena Devi, resident of the same village, reports on the apathetic administration and stranded villagers. CALL TO ACTION: Call the Chief Officer of Katihar district on +91-9431206703 and demand...

Natural water source is on the brink of extinction in Domat, Bihar

/ March 7, 2017

Agriculture communities across many villages depend on natural resources to support their farming. The sustenance of these resources is never the priority of the administration. Natural resources may soon be on the brink of extinction.Lachnauta Jumi is a water source situated near Domat village. This water is used for drinking,...

Forest Rights denied to Indigenous Forest Dwellers

/ March 6, 2017

 “We won’t leave the forest, even if it meant that you kill us.”This is what the people belonging to an indigenous tribal community in Bhadal village of Badwani told outsiders as they entered their forest with axes and spades to whittle Sal trees. The entire village of Bhadal came together...