IndiaUnheard Blog
Requesting financial assistance to build sanitised toilets
The Community Correspondent Nanu Kumari is talking to the Block officials now to arrange for financial assistance to construct toilets. Hope the residents of Murha Chhataun village do not have to face trouble and discomfort in their daily lives, this is their basic civil rights.
Highlights from the Video Volunteers Annual Report 2021-2022
In the year 2021-2022, Video Volunteers reached a huge number of people. Each video, on average, documented a problem, a ground reality that affected nearly 35,000 people. And we reported more than 1500 stories last year. Impacts achieved by our community correspondent have benefited 3.2 million people, in total.
RTI Activists are Under Attack in Odisha
In this video from Puri, Odisha, the RTI activist is badly assaulted and he alleges that the Police is protecting the culprits because of the political ideology and patronage of the ruling party of Odisha.
Anomalies in Public Distribution of Rations in Bihar
India has an excellent policy for food security, it is the National Food Security Act of 2013. This act promises and provides subsidisied ration for the people living below the poverty line.
Qaleen Baafi: Diminutive Art
Kashmir carpet is famous throughout the world. Germany is the largest consumer of Kashmiri carpet, the country’s cold winters make it an ideal destination for the use of Kashmir Shawls, rugs and carpets. Kashmiri carpets are considered to be the finest carpets in the world second only to Persian carpets.
#kNOwTrafficking – a campaign against human trafficking
Video Volunteers launched an online and offline campaign called “#kNOwTrafficking- Taskari Jaano, Taskaari Roko'' on July 18, 2022.
Citizens troubled by broken bridge
Around 2000 people use this main road and the bridge on a daily basis. Please share this video and let’s stand with the villagers in their demand for repairing the bridge.
IMPACT: Proper Electricity Infrastructure Installed in This Shopian Village
It took 4 years of constant follow up of Community Correspondent (CC) Basharat Amin with the Electricity Department to install the high-tension electric wires from makeshift poles to proper ones in Manloo area of Shopian District, Kashmir.