A group of bonded labourers reached their home in Bhadohi in Uttar Pradesh after escaping their captors in Tamil Nadu and walked for four days to reach their homes.
About 24 men were lured by a contractor promising of decent work and pay in a factory in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. But upon arriving the labourers found out that they would work round the clock with very little wages. They were not allowed to call home or venture out of the facility and were kept in very inhumane conditions. Somehow, 14 men from the batch escaped their captors and walked for four days (500 miles) to reach home.
Our community correspondent from Uttar Pradesh Shabnam Begum collaborated with local organisations working against bonded labour and helped the men get some logistical help. The men belong to a community (Musahars) that has had very little social or political representation in the country.
Also see: VV Correspondent Helps Rescue Trafficked Children
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