Burial ground of Dalits snatched by upper caste

Untouchability stands alive in the burial grounds of this village.

The crematorium of the Dalits(lower caste) was illegally occupied by the higher caste because of which now the dalits don’t have a place to bury their deceased. Lack of burial ground has forced the villagers to bury one boy in mud by the side of the road in a property belonging to Public Work Department(PWD).

This practice exists despite the fact that the enforcement of any disability arising out of Untouchability is an offence punishable in accordance with law as per the Article 17 of the Indian Constitution.  It was drafted in 1949 specifically to eradicate & abolish the practice of Untouchability. Yet  68 years later, the practice still reigns in far too many parts of the country.

This video is a shocking proof to the fact that caste barriers in India are alive, even in death.


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