
Anganwadi without basic amenities and Water

/ March 2, 2017

“There is a toilet within the Anganwadi, but it is not fit for use.” The neglect faced by Moreng Uraav Ttoli Anganwadi Centre, which is considered as a model Anganwadi (courtyard shelter) centre in Gumli district of Jharkhand doesn’t just end at dysfunctional toilets. This model Anganwadi, which has 35...

Impact: Procuring the Right to Food

/ November 14, 2014

Community Correspondent Arti Bai Valmiki’s report got the administration to improve the quality of Midday Meals for 237 students in the primary school of Batiagarh District of Madhya Pradesh. “We don’t get rotis to eat at home, so we come to school in hope of food,” a student of the...

Stakeholders demonstrate against Land Acquisition bill 2013

/ January 18, 2017

The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Bill 2015 was passed by the Lok Sabha on March 10, 2015. Land Acquisition in India is a process by which the centre or state government acquires private land for industrialization, development or urbanization while providing...

Demonetization, Chaos and Closed Banks in Kupwara

/ February 22, 2017

Demonetization has been not very much influencing Kashmiris due to regular shutdowns. But, due to the non – availability of new currency notes at J&K Bank branches in Kupwara, people have been suffering badly.

Success: A Women’s Self-Help Group Gets Justice

/ July 10, 2014

Self Help Groups (SHGs) are village-based programs usually with agendas of empowerment, development of leadership abilities, anti-poverty agendas, using financial intermediation as a starting point to these goals. In this interview, Community Correspondent Neeru Rathod speaks of how she inspired 11 women in Sonpari village in Gujarat to speak out against...

Impact: Corruption free meals in one village in Gujarat!

/ June 23, 2014

The Mid-Day Meal Scheme is a government-sponsored scheme meant to provide food to children in schools. This scheme was launched to check malnutrition & to encourage attendance in schools. In this interview, Community Correspondent Neeru Rathod describes how she & her community in Kanpur, Gujarat united to ensure 30 children...

Caught on camera taking bribe | IMPACT

/ August 6, 2015

The poor citizens had to pay a bribe of Rs 10 to get their Aadhar cards delivered in Bherwa Village, Madhupur Block, District Deoghar, Jharkhand.  Aadhaar or UIDAI (Unique Identification) is a 12-digit unique identification number issued by the Indian government to every individual resident of India.  By law, the...