A Ground zero observation on environmental crisis in India

This episode of ‘Awaaz Ho Buland’ is about the environment and our immediate actions to keep our Earth from further deterioration. This year's Environment Day message is ‘Only One Earth’, and we are in a climate crisis, and it is deteriorating fast. Now is the time we focus on living in harmony with nature.

While we all are walking on the path of modernisation and development, we all know that we are polluting the Earth majorly in that process. We need to find the balance, hence the idea of Sustainable Development is a goal of nations across the world. UN’s Sustainable Development Goals is a definite step in that direction.

Right now, amongst the 30 most polluted cities in the world, 21 cities are based in India. The rising pollution level in India is from sources such as smoke released from factories, burning of coal and wood, dust storms and vehicular smoke. Most of us are suffering from various sorts of illnesses because of our polluted atmosphere. Heart attacks and Cancer is rising rapidly in India. 

Another major calamity in India is floods. Amongst 35 states and union territories there are 23 states that are flood prone. There are interviews in this episode about people’s misery because of floods and other natural calamities. The reasons for the floods or flash floods are multi-layered, but the factors of rapid and unscientific urbanisation, deforestation, impulsive exploitation of minerals and construction of mega dams are prominent ones.

These floods affect the farmers and people in general in many ways. The farmers, apart from crop loss, they lose the seeds too, which creates a circle of economic dependence on Government grants or other financial institutions.

Another natural calamity is cyclones and storms, the people living along the 7,516 kilometres of Indian coastline of India are prone to these. It is a natural occurrence that 5-6 Cyclones arrive in the Bay of Bengal every year post monsoons and they are destructive. In one of the interviews, a victim mentioned that the government compensation is not enough compared to the loss incurred, that makes the populace spiral down in the circle of poverty. 

Due to the rise in temperature, there is a lack of moisture in the soil, which in turn increases the need for artificial irrigation to grow crops, which again affects the groundwater reserves. We can see that all these issues are interrelated. Collectively, this is called the Climate Crisis.

Please share this video, we need to constantly evaluate and look for alternative sustainable solutions to halt this climate crisis.

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