A Decade long struggle for Widow pension

Talomuni Soren, a resident of Mandu district, Jharkhand has not received any widow pension fund under the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) since her husband died a decade ago. To make ends meet, she works in the coal mine in Jharkhand along with her teenage daughter. "She used to go to school but because we are so hard-pressed for cash, she has started working with me in the mines," says Talomuni to Video Volunteers correspondent Basanti Soren . For the back-breaking work that she puts in all day long, she earns a paltry sum of Rs. 170-200 a day.

Her attempts to avail widow pension under NSAP have so far been unsuccessful for reasons unknown to her. "Several people are getting compensation under the scheme. I don't know why I am not," wonders Talomuni. As she ages, keeping up with the medical expenses with her meagre earnings of also gets harder. "Obviously, the meagre salary I earn is not enough to survive and get medical attention," Talomuni says matter-of-factly.

Call to Action: You can help Talomuni by calling or messaging the Ravinder Kumar, Circle Officer, Mandu, Jharkhand on +91- 9470954151 asking him to take necessary action as soon as possible. Your contribution will help us build pressure on the officials and get Talomuni her rights.

This video was made by a Video Volunteers Community Correspondent Basanti Soren.
Community Correspondents come from marginalised communities in India and produce videos on unreported stories. These stories are ’news by those who live it.’ They give the hyperlocal context to global human rights and development challenges.

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