Tag: Sardar Sarovar Dam (Power Station)

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On PM’s Birthday, Villages in MP Submerged After Sardar Sarovar Dam Reaches Maximum Capacity

/ December 16, 2019

People have drowned, starved, and died, but nobody is talking about rehabilitation plans. Why? Sardar Sarovar Dam was fully filled before schedule for Prime Minister’s 69th birthday, resulting in hundreds of villages and hectors of land under water. Thousand of families, faced displacement, and loss of livelihood.    

Damned by Sardar Sarovar Dam

/ June 13, 2014

Imagine having your village and land flooded for the construction of a dam.  Imagine no compensation, house or land being provided in return.  Imagine standing up for your rights to only be imprisoned by the authorities.  There is no need to imagine for this is the reality of residents from...