Tag: Rural Education

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Studying Without a School

/ February 21, 2018

Over the past five years, parents in a village in Madya Pradesh have been using rooms in other people's homes to school their children, while the local government fails to finish building the community's only primary school.

Community Impact: School implements RTE rules

/ November 2, 2016

The Right to Education (RTE) Act has laid down norms and standards for schools to ensure incluive and quality education for all children of India. All the elementary schools have to comply to these rules. Unfortunately, many schools, especially in the hinterlands of India flaunt these rules because the authorities...

Govt. Provides Students with Faulty Computers

/ February 23, 2012

Government of Goa distributes low quality computers to students.

Education Speaks A Different Language

/ September 2, 2011

Semi-english medium schools in Maharashtra look towards a brighter future for all.

IndiaUnheard Impact: Corruption Ends In School

/ April 8, 2011

VV reporter exposes corruption, brings change in rural school in Jharkhand

IndiaUnheard Impact: Corruption Ends In School

/ January 7, 2011

Corruption ends in one rural school in India’s Jharkhand state thanks to IndiaUnheard