Tag: Quality of life

After Six Years of wait for Government help, Bundeli’s House crumbles

/ September 14, 2016

  Bundeli, a 65-year-old woman from Chhattisgarh is living like a refugee in someone else’s backyard. All her worldly belongings are bundled up in a small sack by the side of her bed, a space on a bare  ground. But Bundeli once had a house up until September 10, 2016...

After Six Years of wait for Government help, Bundeli’s House crumbles

/ September 14, 2016

  Bundeli, a 65-year-old woman from Chhattisgarh is living like a refugee in someone else’s backyard. All her worldly belongings are bundled up in a small sack by the side of her bed, a space on a bare  ground. But Bundeli once had a house up until September 10, 2016...