Tag: fearless

I am Nirbhaya

/ December 16, 2013

A year ago tens of thousands came out in protest on the streets in India. Angry, hurt and exhausted that it had happened again, another girl had lost her life to a sexual assault of the most brutal kind. The collective Indian memory remembers her as Nirbhaya, the fearless one—perhaps...

Raise your voice. Stop Rape Now.

/ March 7, 2014

There’s a battle outside And it is ragin’ It’ll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin’. ‘Rape’ has become a much-debated word in the equality rights lexicon today. Television talk shows, people’s movements, art, music, films, candle-lit vigils, society and the social media are abound...

I Refuse to be Silenced

/ February 14, 2014

The names in this video have been changed to protect identities. A marriage proposal came for her. She met the family, liked them.They liked her. When the boy’s family demanded a dowry, her parents refused. And then started the torment. Community Correspondent Chanda Bharti from Uttar Pradesh reports. She refused...