In an unfortunate accident two years ago left Dinesh Bhuiyan of Jharkhand with one amputated leg and a paralysed hand. "While one leg was amputated, the other leg has limited movement. Since then, I have been unable to earn for my family," tells Dinesh to Manju Kisku, our Correspondent in Jharkhand. An electrician earlier, his limited movement has diminished all hopes of finding new employment. While he struggles to provide for his family, he also struggles to access sanitary facilities in his own home.
Under the centre-state sponsored Swachh Bharat Mission - Gramin scheme, the Government aims to accelerate the efforts to achieve universal sanitation coverage and to put the focus on sanitation across rural India, especially in Below Poverty Line (BPL) families. For the same, the union budget has allocated INR 9,000 crores in the Financial Year of 2016-17.
"If my house has a toilet, I won't have to depend on people to take me to the fields to relieve myself," Dinesh tells Manju. Along with Dinesh, many other residents of tribal village Kashambha, Hazaribaug in Jharkhand struggle for sanitary facilities.
The Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan is funded by us all, the citizens of India through Swacch Bharat cess of 0.5% that we pay on all taxable services. We are responsible for directing the funds in the most needed situations.
Let us bring dignity to Dinesh by calling Block Development Officer of Hazaribaug, Rathu Mahto on +91-65457237930 and ask him to provide sanitation facilities to the residents of Kashambha village.
This video was made by a Video Volunteers Community Correspondent Manju Kisku.
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