Impact Story

Mid-day Meal scheme sham exposed and solved

The 210 students of Mahadevpur Primary School, Uttar Pradesh, were hungry for more than a month as they hadn't received their mid-day meal.
Through meetings held by Community Correspondant Anil, it came to light that the issue remains unresolved due to personal conflict between the village officials in charge. A joint account was opened for the Village Head, the Headmaster, and the School Managing Committee wherein they used to receive funds of Rs.10, 000 every month for the school. The Village Head supplied the ration for mid day meal which was paid off from this joint account. But the corrupt Headmaster demanded a share of INR.4000 every month from the amount received for providing mid day meal . This was denied by the Village Head. Hence the headmaster converted their joint account into a single account in his name by bribing staff in the bank. As a result, the Village Head and SMC stopped receiving funds for midday meal scheme which led to discontinuation of the scheme.
Anil held a community screening and also planned an impact meeting with the community. Along with the community, he met the Assistant Basic Education Officer at block level, showed him the video and submitted an application. Officials immediately took action after which the midday meal program continued in the school. Since then mid day meal is being served without fail.
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