Indian Students on Wrong Side of Digital Divide

Govt. High School in Salani, Uttarakhand is struggling with poor computer facilities. About the video: Due to the lack of adequate number of computers, every student at the Government High School in Salani is forced to share a single desktop among twelve other children. The consequence of this problematic student to computer ratio is that even after attending several classes that integrate computer education and training, the students fail to learn and understand even the basics of computing. Most students finish school only having learnt how to switch on and switch off the machines. The Community Correspondent says: Vipin Joshi, India Unheard Community Correspondent from Bageshwar district, Uttarakhand feels that the lack of adequate computers diminishes the students' chances once they start to pursue higher education or employment. Says Vipin, "Skills in computing have become as essential as knowing how to read, write and calculate. Learning computer skills is therefore an fundamental need for the children of today. Knowing the way around the computer and the internet gives them the chance to achieve their full potentials." The Rights of the People: In 2007 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh introduced the 11th five year plan that focuses on the improvement of education. Its aim is to increase the overall education to achieve continuing growth. Part of the plan is the "Integrated Computer Technology Plan" (ICT Plan), which was implemented in 2006. Each school received 4 to 6 computers to teach the children basic computer skills. The Government High School in Salani received 4 computers and has 335 students visiting the school. Looking at the learning outcome, it becomes apparent that the amount of computers is out of proportion with the number of students. This severely affects the quality of education. Call to Action:  The students, teachers and parents of Salani Govt. High School ask the government to provide the students with an adequate number of quality computers so that every students has the opportunity to learn the basics of computers.

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