Mukumbu Park in Trichy District is in bad shape.
The toy trains don’t run anymore, the swimming pools are filthy, swings have come loose from chains, there is garbage in mounds and scattered all across and everywhere. The Mukumbu park designed for the recreational needs of the people of the city of Trichy and nearby areas is in bad shape. Community Correspondent Margaret Joeji, a resident of Trichy herself says that she would distribute the between equal parts between the people and the authorities.
“There are garbage bins within the park but they are ignored by the visitors who unmindfully litter the garbage on the grounds,” says Margaret, who has been a regular to the park since her childhood. “It is a prime spot for local tourists who want a short break away from the city. On weekends, the park has thousands of visitors. Unless they themselves are unwilling to take responsibility of the cleanliness of the park by being mindful of simple things like plastic bags and food, it is going to difficult to keep the place in shape.”
On the other, says Margaret, the authorities have completely ignored the park inspite of being aware of the role it plays in the lives of the citizens. “They call it an entertainment park. They charge a nominal amount at the gate intended to go towards the upkeep of the space. But the current state of the park where hardly anything is functioning and basic sanitation and cleanliness have gone for a toss is unacceptable.”
“People visit the park to take a break from the city. The come there to indulge themselves, to be in the presence of some greenery and clean air,” says Margaret, “I myself don’t like to visit the park anymore. With all the garbage and grime, it doesn’t make any sense to me anymore.”
“If we all don’t get our act together, our beloved park is in the danger of ceasing to exist. Our weekends and our lives will be the poorer for it.”
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