The civilian uprising against the Indian rule in Kashmir has been going on from July 8, 2016. During the clashes between Security forces, 92 civilians have been killed while as 13000 people are estimated to be injured. As per the reports emerging in local newspaper of Kashmir, 1000 people have received injuries in their eyes due to the pellet firing, and 8 people have died.
As per reports, over 50 percent of people facing visual impairment due to pellet injuries was aged below 20. Many of these were school children. Our Srinagar correspondent visits the family of Nasir and here is what they say.
This video was made by a Video Volunteers Community Correspondent Nadiyah Shafi.
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Paving a way for good education
The Primary School in Deegam, Shopian, is 5 kilometres away from the district headquarters. That school lacked the required teaching staff, with 30 students, they had only one teacher. The Community Correspondent Basharat Amin highlighted the issue with the Education Department officials. The parents of children emphasised that there should...