Results for: west singhbum
How to Juggle a Career as a Community Correspondent as well a Mainstream Media Reporter
When the staff at Gannett newspapers in the US coined the term MOJO (Mobile Journalism) to describe new ways of gathering and distributing news using emerging technologies in 2005, they would not have imagined its virality and use ten years later. Ask new media journalists and our Community Correspondents Shah...
“Video Volunteers gave me a platform to go the extra mile for people”
Avijit Adhikary is a journalist with nearly 8000 days of field experience till date. In the past two decades, he has witnessed the ebb and flow of the media industry in India, with ripples felt in his region too. This includes the rise of digital media, the decline of print...
The Woes of Musahar Community
This video shows a Musahar community of Bhadohi District, Uttar Pradesh. They were settled next to a forest, away from the town area, because of their ‘untouchable’ status. Community Correspondent Anil Kumar here reported a heart wrenching story of a young boy picked up by a wolf from the nearby...
Community demands stronger rescue operations for the missing minor girl
The villages in Sundarbans area of West Bengal State are impoverished. Taking advantage of their poverty, the human traffickers easily find victims to lure away.
#kNOwTrafficking – a campaign against human trafficking
Video Volunteers launched an online and offline campaign called “#kNOwTrafficking- Taskari Jaano, Taskaari Roko'' on July 18, 2022.
VV’s Correspondent Puja Thakur Reports on Functionality of Panchayati Raj System in the Tea Garden
Community Correspondent (CC) Puja Thakur, in this video is inquiring about the existing Panchayati Raj systems in Tea Gardens of Alipurduar of West Bengal state.
IMPACT | Bengal Police Rescued Trafficked Teenager Safely
India has various provisions to combat trafficking, among others the Article 23(1) of the Constitution, IPC 366 – 373, the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act 1956 are the main ones. A draft bill for Prevention, Care and Rehabilitation is also underway.
Sports as a beacon of hope in Bastar
Romita Sori, a Class XII student from here is a star archer. She has won 15 medals in State Level Archery Competition besides 2 silver and 2 bronze in national archery competition so far. She is trained under the aegis of Indo Tibetan Border Police.