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Living Cultures: The ‘Zagor’ of Goa

In tradition to appease their gods, the indigenous Gowda tribe in Goa celebrates a colorful festival called Zagor.

Zagor is a colourful festival celebrated by Gowda tribe in Goa to appease their village deities. The world knows this tiny state in western India for its sunny beaches and beautiful landscapes. But it's living cultures, much of which still remain in its original form, are little known. Living Cultures will bring you such stories from across the country. In this episode, we take you to Velling village in North Goa.

About The Living Cultures Show: Living Cultures’ takes the viewer to places across India, to hear the stories of their festivals, their beautiful people, their history, their music, and their fading cultures. Video Volunteers presents an exclusive Mini Thematic YouTube show, which explores India's lost tradition. Watch the art of festivals, through the eyes of people who cherish them.

Thanks to the award of YouTube, Google News Initiative, we are now producing a series of YouTube show. Connect with us on our journey, while we cover many more stories and experiences like this. 

Video produced by Mansi Kumbharjuvekar. 


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